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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1 - Question: Can I take these products before eating?
   Answer: It is better to have some food already in your stomach, like a cookie, piece of fruit, or small snack.

2 - Question: Can I take more than one product at the same time?
   Answer: Yes, you may. But its better if you space them out.

3 - Question: I am taking 4 different products. Can I take them all at the same time or space them out?
   Answer: Different products have different formulas. So it would be better to space them out. Like one of them after breakfast, another after lunch, the third one at dinner and the fourth one before going to bed.

4 - Question: I am taking allopathic medicine. Can I take these dietary supplements as well?
   Answer: Yes you may. These are dietary supplements and they do not interact or interfere with any medicine or anything else that you consume. However, it would be better to check if you are taking the allopathic medicine and any herbal product for the same condition. You may contact us if you have any questions.

5 - Question: What is the return policy?
   Answer: Orders once shippped, cannot be returned or exchanged because they are edible products. All the ingredients used in our products have been lab tested for purity and quality. All the ingredients in our products have been cleared by the FDA as safe for human consumption.

If you have any further questions:

Call us: (646) 549-4646 or (718) 429-1892

Email us: sales@saiherbals.com or ishwarcenter@gmail.com



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